Tolgus Mill Restoration: New route 2025

Discover the next stage of our Tolgus Mill restoration work here
cornwall gold tolgus mill restoration with new route and signs

We want every visit to the Tolgus Mill to be a memorable journey through its rich history, so this year we are designing a new curated route through the mill’s various rooms. Following the process of smashing, separating and purifying – everyone will enjoy learning how tin was extracted and what life would have been like working in a real tin mill hundreds of years ago!

What we plan to do

Much of Tolgus Mill remains intact, and we intend to keep it that way – raw, rugged, and authentic. However, the process of extracting tin was not straightforward, and the cycle was often repeated, which made the mill seem like a complicated place with a maze of paths.

We are designing a new route as you enter the mill. This will help clarify the milling process and bring visitors closer than ever to the machinery and stories. We also plan to carefully remove any remaining contemporary fixtures and stud walls that were built more recently to return the mill to its original layout.

Plus, in 2025, we are reintroducing mill tours, where you can join a Friends of Tolgus volunteer to walk through the new route, ask questions and learn more.

What we are investing in

We are using the funds from the sales of our Tolgus Jewellery collection to invest in new information signs, a new TV in the smelting room and information flyers and contribution points.

When we are starting

We are already writing, planning, and curating the new route and signs. Our experienced maintenance team at Tolgus are carefully moving artefacts and creating new walkways.

We also have The Friends of Tolgus, a new dedicated group of volunteers who are restoring the mill with their skills and time. Their work is an important part of this process, and it helps ensure the mill lives on for generations to come.

Get involved

Every time someone buys a piece of our stunning Tolgus Jewellery, they are helping to fund the mill’s restoration, plus all donations and volunteer work is gratefully received to help keep the mill alive.

Want to learn more about the Tolgus Mill restoration projects or get involved as a volunteer? Email the Friends of Tolgus to find out how you can help here and read more about the restoration so far here.

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